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Hokin Gallery, July 7- September 12, 2025

Call to Students, Staff and Faculty for creative projects


Deadline, please submit your work by April 15.

Questions? Contact Mark Porter, mporter@colum.edu


Student Spaces for Art and Collaboration and the Hokin Gallery seek artwork submissions from Columbia College Chicago Students, Staff and Faculty to be included in Unity, a group exhibition running July 7-September 12, 2025

Columbia College Chicago’s 135th anniversary is a time to reflect on our history, accomplishments, what binds us together as a community and defines who we are as a college We seek creative projects that reflect on the concepts of Unity. Our aim is to exhibit creative projects by Columbia Students, Staff and Faculty and recent graduates of 2025 alike, shown side by side as a gesture of Unity.

Who is eligible?

We seek submissions by Students, Staff and Faculty  and recent 2025 graduates of Columbia College Chicago.

Eligible projects:

Our aim is to present a diverse gathering of creative projects. Paintings, drawings, sculpture, installation, sound, video, writing, fashion and interactive works including any creative project that can be presented in a traditional art gallery setting.

  • All projects must be ready to exhibit by the drop off date and must be delivered by the creator with complete operating instructions. We may ask you to install your work yourself. Be prepared for this possibility. 
  • The gallery will not print your work for you. If your work has a 2d printed element, submit your document to the Digital Print Center for printing.
  • SSAC will not be responsible for shipping any works. projects must be delivered and picked up by the submitter or someone they know.

Submission requirements:

Each applicant may submit 1 to 3 separate projects, each including: (no single project that requires more that 8' in any direction)

1.  Your name 

2.  Title of work 

3.  Year of creation 

4.  Process/materials 

5.  A description of the project 

6. Dimensions/space needed

7.  What is required to present the project in an art gallery 

8.  One or more images/video/description to represent the project

Please note that we accept works in progress. In your project description, indicate your progress and the anticipated result.  Questions? Contact Mark Porter, mporter@colum.edu


Important Notes:

 The gallery has a limited number of pedestals, monitors and basic equipment. If your project requires a specific piece of equipment (gaming counsel, audio player) or display mechanism (dress form, shelf, vitrine) make a note of this in your application. If the gallery does not own the equipment or display mechanism you request, you are responsible for providing this.  It may be possible that your department has the item you need and can loan it to you.  Be sure to ask them.

Items the gallery does not own: Dress Forms, Vitrines, Gaming Consoles, iPads
Performance submissions
 If you would like your contribution to the exhibit be a performance that takes place during the reception or exhibit run you may request use of Haus or the gallery. Be detailed on what your performance requires (space, any equipment you need), what will occur, what it will look like. Include video of previous versions or a sketch/description.

Video Formats
Final exhibit video must be sized at 720p .mp4

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.